How to make real randoms with SQL

How to make real randoms with SQL

Database: PostgreSQL +13

From time to time I need random numbers produced in SQL and packed as an array. This is how it goes:

--Random filled real Arrays:

-- create a function who generates a random real value between low and high:
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION random_real(low real ,high real) 
   RETURNS real AS
   RETURN random()* (high-low + 1) + low;
$$ language 'plpgsql' STRICT;

-- create a function that produce an array of vcount values each between low and high:
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION rvalue_arr(low int ,high int, vcount int) 
   RETURNS setof numeric[] AS
   select ARRAY_AGG(b.value) as value from (select generate_series(1,(floor(random() * $3)+1)::int),round(random_real($1,$2)::numeric,1) as value) b
   language sql;

Now you can start a query:

playground=# select rvalue_arr(1,30,20) from generate_series(1,20);
(20 rows)

playground=# select rvalue_arr(1,30,20) from generate_series(1,20);
(20 rows)


Really nice!